Ego Maniacs
"Ego Maniacs" is a song recorded by Israeli-American singer Ariel De Lion. WLM and Universal Music Group released it as the second single from De Lion's debut English studio album ״Ego Maniacs״. The video clip, created by Yaron Peled, won "The Lucky" at Sacramento Film and Music Festival 2011 and was described as rebellious in press reviews after MTV refused to air it on their channel, which led to De Lion's rejection of contract renewal with the label.
During the song's lyrics, De Lion's taunts as an ambitious Ego Maniac, intimating ironically by the quote, "you better do what you're paid to do." Intending a prophecy of modern slavery that is more resilient than our society's ability to get it, instead, we like it. We find it sexy and sarcastic.

The Old Lady
An IntentioMagnetic improvisation
The Old Lady experiment, in a broad sense, is a hybrid improvisation of music, movement, and elements. An unplanned, spontaneous, free-form creativity. The dynamic based on predetermined codes, a subjective intent set in advance, and that are it, no rehearsal, leaving as much room possible for the emotional dynamic between the performers.
An IntentioMagnetic improvisation is the force of creation caused by two or more people that produce fields that attract or repel to achieve the emotional effects required for the improvisational piece.